Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Celebrating Passover and Easter in Chile

During the holiday season, I had the opportunity to explore 2 important holidays in 2 different religions. I attended a Passover dinner at a Jewish synagoge in ViƱa del Mar. I was shocked when I first arrived because I had to go through a ton of security in order to be given access to enter. They do this in order to make sure that they don't let anyone in who is prejudice and wants to harm the community instead of worship there. I was stunned since I am from a country where religious freedoms allow houses of worship to keep their doors open to the public. The passover dinner was very beautiful and very Deee-licious. The Jewish community is small here and many Jews don´t know how to read Hebrew. For this reason, many of the Hebrew prayers are written out phonetically in Spanish, so people can still sing and pray along. I was embarrassed because I was reading the phonetic Spanish like English.
For Easter, I traveled to the small town of Salamanca where I attended a church ceremony and in honor of Easter. The entire town met in the local Catholic church and prayed before a statue of Jesus laying in a beautiful bed. After some time, a few people picked the statue up and carried it outside of the church. The rest of the town walked behind them in a parade like fashion. I joined them. They also carry other important figures, like the Virgin Mary. The town sang Church songs together and finally when we reached the top of a hill, they set the statue of Jesus down and left it there. Then, the and the town returned to the church. A few hours later, the town walked together again, singing - to go fetch Jesus. It was a beautiful and unique ceremony, and one I shall never forget. I was just happy that in the end, we were able to find the statue of Jesus again.

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